香港時鐘酒店 Guide
有關香港時鐘酒店 Guide
很明白香港人生活壓力大,需要有安靜的空間與伴侶休息。本 iPhone app 是用來提供在香港時鐘酒店的指南。讓大家快速地找到你附近的時鐘酒店,並且打電話預約房間。
此 app 會定期更新,加入更多酒店的資訊。並用 data sync 來download 這資料 , 讓你們用 app 時減小 loading 時間。
About Hong Kong love Hotel Guide
We understand many people in Hong Kong are having life stress daily, they need a quiet space with partner to rest and stay. This iPhone app is using to provide a guide to "love hotels" in Hong Kong. It let you quickly find hotel nearby your location and call to reserve a room.
很明白香港人生活壓力大,需要有安靜的空間與伴侶休息。本 iPhone app 是用來提供在香港時鐘酒店的指南。讓大家快速地找到你附近的時鐘酒店,並且打電話預約房間。
此 app 會定期更新,加入更多酒店的資訊。並用 data sync 來download 這資料 , 讓你們用 app 時減小 loading 時間。
About Hong Kong love Hotel Guide
We understand many people in Hong Kong are having life stress daily, they need a quiet space with partner to rest and stay. This iPhone app is using to provide a guide to "love hotels" in Hong Kong. It let you quickly find hotel nearby your location and call to reserve a room.